
August 13, 2017

Freeters, Solopreneurs: the new untouchables ?


Ruettimann believes an economic downturn is overdue, which will flood the job market with legions of contract workers, freelancers, and so-called "solopreneurs" applying for corporate jobs with full-time benefits. Whether or not that proves true, Ruettimann says that in the recruitment world, "nobody really believes in the gig economy."

The prevailing attitude, she says, is that "if you're self-employed, it's because you can't get full-time work." So job seekers looking for traditional roles after years supporting themselves--particularly older ones--she says, "are facing serious ageism and bias in the workforce." Ruettimann's advice is twofold: "If you've been in this gig economy, get your references in order and make sure you're working for really awesome clients who can vouch for you, then think about turning those clients from customers into employers--like now."

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June 24, 2017

How did the culture at your last company empower or disempower you?

Four questions, ht Inc.

  • How did the culture at your last company empower or disempower you ?

  • What were the characteristics of the best boss you've ever had ?

  • Describe how you handled a conflict with one of your co-workers ?

  • What kind of feedback do you expect to receive in this role and how often do you expect to receive it?

March 23, 2017

Job male applicants feminine language; upshot disconnect ?

Job postings for home health aides say applicants need to be
"sympathetic" and "caring," "empathetic" and focused on "families."

It turns out that doesn't lead very many men to apply.

Employers have something to do with that: An analysis of listings for the 14 fastest-growing jobs from 2014 to 2024 found that they used feminine language, which has been statistically shown to attract women and deter men. The study was done by Textio, which has analyzed 50 million job listings for language that provokes disproportionate responses from men or women.

Compare that with job listings for cartographers, one of the few fast-growing jobs that is male-dominated. It is 62 percent male and expected to grow 29 percent by 2024. Common key words were manage, forces, exceptional, proven and superior. These words tend to appeal to men and generally result in a male hire, Textio found.

Job descriptions for the two fastest-growing jobs that men mostly do -- wind turbine technicians and commercial divers -- also used masculine language.

Upshot's job-disconnect-male-applicants-feminine-language.

Continue reading "Job male applicants feminine language; upshot disconnect ?" »

April 20, 2014

Sell yourself the google $GOOG way

Bock: "Humans are by nature creative beings, but not by nature logical, structured-thinking beings. Those are skills you have to learn. One of the things that makes people more effective is if you can do both. ... If you're great on both attributes, you'll have a lot more options. If you have just one, that's fine, too." But a lot fewer people have this kind of structured thought process and creativity.

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May 22, 2013

ABC: Always be coding

Know thy complexities ( Read this cheat sheet. ) Then make certain you understand how they work. Then implement common computational algorithms such as Dijkstra's, Floyd-Warshall, Traveling Salesman, A*, bloom filter, breadth-first iterative search, binary search, k-way merge, bubble/selection/insertion sort, in-place quick sort, bucket/radix sort, closest pair and so on. Again, ABC.

May 26, 2012

Six degrees of meeting the definition of "employee"

The definition of "employee" under the Fair Labor Standards Act is quite broad, and it covers many unpaid interns. Only unpaid internships that build skill and meet the Department of Labor's six-part test are exempt from minimum-wage laws.

The following six criteria must be applied when making this determination:

The internship, even though it includes actual operation of the facilities of the employer, is similar to training which would be given in an educational environment;

The internship experience is for the benefit of the intern;

The intern does not displace regular employees, but works under close supervision of existing staff;

The employer that provides the training derives no immediate advantage from the activities of the intern; and on occasion its operations may actually be impeded;

The intern is not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the internship; and

The employer and the intern understand that the intern is not entitled to wages for the time spent in the internship.

December 26, 2011

Optimizing resume for keyword scanners

It's more than just single keywords that make you stand out from the crowd:

After all, a lot of other people are making sure that their resumes mimic the words mentioned in job descriptions as well. Instead, Lifehacker suggests that many companies now look for semantic matches, which are related terms like CPA, accounting, audits, and SEC to ensure that your resume represents real-world, useful, and related experience rather than just being stuffed with keywords. For an example of how this works, check out's Power Resume Search Test Drive.

-- CBS

November 6, 2011

Modern Love

"I have seen women in great positions of authority who make assumptions that the women who work for them are their friends," she said. "They share intimate information with them -- their marital relations, their sex lives, whether they think the delivery guy is hot. They go shopping with them, they go into the dressing room with them. These women, in their mind, are exempted because they consider it a friendship. But it is bad boundaries."

Fran A. Sepler, president of Sepler & Associates, a Minneapolis firm that investigates harassment claims on behalf of employers, says she has examined about a dozen cases in recent years involving women harassing women. Often the situations are not explicitly sexual, she said.

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April 7, 2011

What questions do you typically ask ?

Q. So what questions do you typically ask?

A. One of the questions I always ask them is, why don't you want this job? What are the things that scare you about this job? You learn a lot about a person that way. And if they say, "Well, what scares me about this job is it's too chaotic," they're not going to thrive here. Or if they say to me, "You know, I like to be in charge," then you're thinking, this person's not going to thrive in his group.

You're really looking for that person who understands the mission. Not that they agree with everything that you say, but they understand the mission. I want to hear someone who says: "I can contribute. I want to be part of this team. I feel like I can add some value and these are the reasons why." That's important. You want people who can put in and not take out.

Q. Have you been given feedback about your leadership and management style that led to you to make some adjustments?

A. People want to hear from me. I thought I was being very communicative. But they want more, so I send out updates constantly. They are usually pretty passionate and it's about what's going on in the business.

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June 22, 2007

Wall Street Oasis (was IBanking Oasis)

Update 2009 July: Now known as Wall Street Oasis.

ibankingoasis hobnobs with the junior monkeys of investment banking.
Example: their life in NY.

June 23, 2006

Investment Dealers' Digest on analyst earnings

IDD (Investment Dealers' Digest) looks an analyst earnings.

Continue reading "Investment Dealers' Digest on analyst earnings" »

May 21, 2006

Snap job

Snap Job Search.
Best use of incremental search partitioning and refinement
of multi-faceted search and browsing.

Snap journal.

Battelle comments.