
April 1, 2016

Where were you when Kanye West needed a rug ?

"I specifically ordered persian rugs with cherub imagery!!! What do I have to do to get a simple persian rug with cherub imagery uuuuugh," Kanye West lamented in a 2010 tweet that has since been deleted but whose relatable misfortune remains foremost in the hearts of his countrymen.

October 4, 2015

A medical procedure that alters people's brains

There's a lot of talk about a medical procedure that alters people's brains so they'll become sexually enslaved to the first person they see afterward, the way baby geese supposedly think that you're their mother if you're on hand when they hatch. The characters rush to secure the participation of whoever has been tantalizing or rejecting them.

December 23, 2010

'Bogus assignee' by LPS / DocX

Thousands of these bore the signature of DocX employee Linda Green. The signatures didn't look alike, however, and LPS eventually confirmed that multiple DocX employees had signed her name. Some of the assignments stood out because they listed the new owner of the mortgages as "bogus assignee" or "bad bene."

LPS spokeswoman Michelle Kersch said "bogus assignee" and "bad bene" were simply standard placeholders on document templates which the employees inadvertently had neglected to fill in with the proper names.

In his October 29 conference call with analysts, Carbiener said that when the company discovered the DocX wrongdoing in December 2009, it immediately stopped it and soon shut DocX down. But it turns out that DocX continued operating much longer than LPS originally had acknowledged. In a written response last week to questions from Reuters, LPS's Kersch confirmed that DocX actually wasn't closed until August 2010.


March 21, 2010

The years from 1989 to 2009 were consumed by locusts.

What caused this dire loss of faith in our government and leaders? Mr. Judt spreads the blame around. He criticizes the narcissistic left of the 1960s, which was largely uninterested in social justice. "What united the '60s generation was not the interest of all, but the needs and rights of each," he writes. He blames that generation's political leaders too. What the baby-boomer politicians have in common, he notes, is "the enthusiasm that they fail to inspire in the electors of their respective countries."

He surveys an earlier and "superior class of statesmen," who, regardless of its members' political leanings, "represented a political class deeply sensitive to its moral and social responsibilities." Politically speaking, he declares, "ours is an age of the pygmies."

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the West missed an opportunity to reshape the world. "Instead," Mr. Judt writes, "we sat back and congratulated ourselves upon having won the cold war: a sure way to lose the peace." Here is his historical judgment: "The years from 1989 to 2009 were consumed by locusts."

-- Tony Judt

August 15, 2008

Background checks

"This is the lexis nexis search string that I use for AG appointments."
The string reads as follows:

[First name of a candidate]! and pre/2 [last name of a
candidate] w/7 bush or gore or republican! or democrat! or
charg! or accus! or criticiz! or blam! or defend! or iran contra
or clinton or spotted owl or florida recount or sex! or
controvers! or racis! or fraud! or investigat! or bankrupt! or
layoff! or downsiz! or PNTR or NAFTA or outsourc! or indict!
or enron or kerry or iraq or wmd! or arrest! or intox! or fired
or sex! or racis! or intox! or slur! or arrest! or fired or
controvers! or abortion! or gay! or homosexual! or gun! or

Jan Williams, with Monica Goodling,at page 21.

October 1, 2007

Le Parcours

If skateboarding is banned, we will still
have le parcours.

Continue reading "Le Parcours" »

March 26, 2007

Student comment

Student comment

You do not seem to care about our grades only that
they are up to your too high standards and I can not
talk to you because you make me completely

For example, you say you will talk to us about our
grades but you really will not because of how
uncomfortable you make me feel with your words
and what you say.

-- BPD and AWB.

Continue reading "Student comment" »

October 15, 2006

Ashcroft's barbed wire

NYT: Why barbed wire ?

John Ashcroft, former US Attorney General: Because there was a surplus of it on my farm.

NYT: Well, thank you for making time for this interview.