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April 30, 2006

Long or short capital: value of naming rights

Value of naming rights: Instead of Goldman Sachs, why not
Goldman Sacks by Smirnoff Ice ? Indeed.

Long or short capital offers mockery for the investing class.

Coruscation would like Goldman Buffett Sachs by Saks Fifth Ave and Broad Street.

April 29, 2006

Bloggingstocks down 34 %

Bloggingstocks (AOL/Calacanis) is more about
numerology than insight.

April 28, 2006

Belgian assembly

Brussels Journal tracks crime in Europe and faults the Beeb.

April 27, 2006

Exercise makes you you smarter

Exercise and physical training makes you you smarter, like animals.

[via HeadRush]

April 26, 2006

xplane Visual thinking

Visual thinking and marketing by Xplane.

Charmingly illustrated technology and business process graphics
remind me of Richard Scary's Busyown.

April 25, 2006

Top 18 skylines in world

City views, cityscapes: Top 18 skylines in world.

April 24, 2006


Subtraction by NYT designerism and ia by Khoi Vinh.

April 23, 2006

Wall Street Folly

Wall Street Folly: clipping service for the aspiring beta banker.

April 22, 2006

Zenmi flows

The positive psychology of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
Between anxiety and boredom there is a satisfying range
where challenges match the skills.

More: Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (1991),
Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement With Everyday Life (1997).

Via: MeFi, 43 Folders, FastCompany, Austega.

April 21, 2006

Connecticut commuters' Mark Ginocchio

Connecticut commuters' reporter Mark Ginocchio at the Stamford Advocate.

April 20, 2006

LEET Sp3ak,dudz. !!!

LEET Sp3k via Boing.

April 19, 2006

Leveraged Sellout / Amit Chatwani

Leveraged Sellout's entertaining life around Wall Street.

April 18, 2006

Home value by room count, Miller Samuel

Home value by rooms by Miller Samuel.
This regression is crying out for a log transformation.

And what do all the data points with fractional room counts represent ?


April 17, 2006

Bull Moose / Marshall Wittman

Bull Moose aka Marshall Wittman is a fair handed Democrat.

April 16, 2006

The Deal

Corporate merger, acquisitions, and take-overs: The Deal offers a
NY-centric view. See also Deal Breaker and Deal Book.

April 15, 2006

Rorabacher on illegal aliens

And if illegal aliens were jailed ...

Representative Dana Rohrabacher, Republican of California, dismissed
arguments made by President Bush and business leaders who say the
United States needs a pool of foreign workers. He said businesses
should be more creative in their efforts to find help and suggested
that employers turn to the prison population to fill jobs in agriculture
and elsewhere.

"Let the prisoners pick the fruits," Mr. Rohrabacher said. "We can do
it without bringing in millions of foreigners."

via Reason Hit and Run.

April 14, 2006

Sirius, danceable

Sirius streams their danceable on Beat 36.

April 13, 2006


Net Vibes aggregates information into a personal dashboard.

Like myway.com, or my.yahoo.com, but with perhaps less syndicated content.

April 12, 2006

Club for Growth

Club for Growth is pro growth and proud of it.

April 11, 2006

Legal defence of Scooter Libby

Defence attorney team for Scooter Libby has impressive advisors.

April 10, 2006

Hyphen needed

What to think of loudobbs.com, home of financial reporter Lou Dobbs.

LoudObbs ? LouDobbs.

Why not Lou_dobbs.com or Lou-Dobbs.com ?

Like to watch the business commentators, especially during tax filing season.

April 9, 2006

Greg Mankiw

Greg Mankiw opines economically, mostly on current events, for
the benefit of his undergraduate Economics class.

April 8, 2006

Under the Counter

Under the Counter tracks who's who in investing.

April 7, 2006

Carried Interest

Carried Interest examines PIPE: private investment in public equity.

A PIPE is an alternative available to publicly traded companies that
need to raise money but don't want to go through the complexity
of selling shares through a secondary offering. Instead, the company
finds an investor and sells him a block of newly issued shares at an
agreed price or a block of debt which can later be converted into
shares (a structured PIPE).

April 6, 2006

Going Private

Private equity: Going Private gives catty take downs of
Guy Kawasaki and Maverick Mark Cuban.

Update 2009 January: On Barry 0, vs Chicago School of Economics 1.

Confesses to physics on Dealbreaker.

April 5, 2006

Sand Hill Slave

Sand Hill Slave is not a blackberry fan.
The interview.

April 4, 2006

Dashboard spy

Dashboard spy gallery of mangement dashboards and consoles full of KPI
(Key performance indicators).
Update 2006 Dec.: Moved to enterprise-dashboard.com.

Ed Tufte adds,

Edward Tufte

(1) See Peter Drucker's new book, The Essential Drucker,
for a thoughtful chapter on "the information executives
need today." That is, you should start by considering the
intellectual problems that the displays are supposed to
help with. The point of information displays is to assist
thinking; therefore, ask first of all: What are the thinking
tasks that the displays are supposed to help with?

(2) It is essential to build in systematic checks of data
quality into the display and analysis system. For example,
good checks of the data on revenue recognition must be
made, given the strong incentives for premature recognition.
Beware, in management data, of what statisticians call
"sampling to please"--selecting, sorting, fudging, choosing
data so as to please management. Sampling to please occurs,
for example, when the outflow from a polluting factory into
the Hudson River is measured by dipping the sampling
test-tube into the cleaner rather than the dirtier effluent.

(3) For information displays for management, avoid
heavy-breathing metaphors such as the mission control
center, the strategic air command, the cockpit, the dashboard,
or Star Trek. As Peter Drucker once said, good management
is boring. If you want excitement, don't go to a good
management information system.

Simple designs showing high-resolution data, well-labelled
information in tables and graphics will do just fine. One model
might be the medical interface in Visual Explanations (pages
110-111) and the articles by Seth Powsner and me cited there.

A model for tables might be the supertable, shown in The
Visual Display of Quantitative Information
, p. 179. More generally,
see chapter 9 of The Visul Display of Quantitative Information. The
displays should often be accompanied by annotation, details from
the field, and othersupplements.

"Sparklines" show high-resolution data and also work to reduce
the recency bias prevalent in data analysis and decision-making.
More on that in the next book, Beautiful Evidence, probably out by
2003, I do hope.

April 3, 2006

Equinox Fitness

Update 2016: Equinox Fitness is now Equinox.

Equinox Fitness is a nice mid-range gym.

Bettter than 24 Hour fitnes or NY Sports,
but beneath the Racquet Club.

At curbed, Trev explains,

Trust me, they don't care. I designed gyms for years,
for the bigest in the business. They are after their own
workout experiance, not interested in giving you the
same gym you came from. You can be sure, everything
including, The placement of of the machines, has been
reviewed at corporate, without the Gym's manager's
input or knowledge. There are reasons for everything.

Missing drink machines...= cleaner workout floor, and
drive up the juice bar sales.

No personal TVs at carrdio=, cut down on replacement
overhead (they do break)and quicker turnaround, studies
show people use cardio machines for longer time with
a personal TV station.

This is common stuff in gyms with high peak times.
You will not be tripping over bottles, and waiting for
machines to open up. But if enough people complain
about the TVs they will put them in, but only if the
membersip numbers don't hit target.

See also kizmeet's missed Equinox connections.

Equinox NY.

April 2, 2006

Wall street fighter

Wall street fighter is an E/N site which mentions
investments and stock movements.

April 1, 2006

Love Makes a Family in Connecticut

Love Makes a Family's cable guy Ned Lamont (opponent of legitimate
Joe Leiberman) events in Connecticut.